
Does anyone have any good tips on creating titles? Seriously, this is something I have always struggled with. The thought of creating a blog title or coming up with an email subject scares me out of writing said blog post or email! (Hence my creative title to this blog entry.)

I am so behind the technological times. Today, for the first time ever, I asked Siri a question. I've had my iPhone since August. I hopped on the podcast bandwagon in December - and how long have podcasts been around? I may have a Twitter account, but I have never tweeted in my life. And, I still don't own a tablet. Wow. That was just too many confessions in a row!

Regardless, I do see many benefits and advantages to technology. And the times have caught up to us here in Africa. Tonight, I was trying to help some of the kids with their geography homework. However, the answer to the question, "Name the two plateaus in Tanzania," was not in the book. So I tried to look it up online using my phone. There was just no signal, though. 

In an attempt to help me, John, of the Standard 7 boys asked me, "Did you ask Google?"

Me: "Google is not working right now."

John: "Did you ask Twitter?"

Me: "Umm, I don't think Twitter will know the answer."

John: "Did you ask Facebook?"

Me: "I don't think Facebook will know the answer since most of my friends live in America."

We ended up just guessing the answer. I was quite surprised at John - where did he learn about Google and Twitter and Facebook? It seemed as though he had some sort of understanding of those websites. I guess he may have learned it from computer class at school.