Making Sandwiches

While the kids were home from school on their end-of-year break, we wanted to let them do some special activities. We tried to devote one day a week, usually Wednesdays, to a special craft or activity. Several of the kids have recently been talking about sandwiches for some reason. Several of them have eaten sandwiches, particularly when guests are here, but sandwiches are not a typical food item here in Tanzania. So, to satisfy their sandwich cravings, we decided to let the kids each make their own sandwich.

A few days before the activity, I made sure to buy enough bread to cover all of the kids. For some reason, though, I didn’t even think about buying sandwich toppings (in this case, jam and margarine). I didn’t realize until the day before the activity that I didn’t have any of those items and that I wouldn’t be able to go out and buy something. So, I started thinking through what was available to buy in the village. My friend Chelsea was there at the time, and we actually considered making mango jam. Then, I had a better idea—peanuts are available in the village. We could make peanut butter. And we did! I’ve always wanted to make peanut butter, but until then, I just never had.

So crisis averted, the kids were able to make their own peanut butter sandwiches. Making a sandwich is pretty self-explanatory in a western culture, but we actually all had to learn to make a sandwich at some point. We had to teach the kids how to spread the peanut butter, how to cut their sandwich, and even how to hold their sandwich to eat it properly. All in all, I think the activity was a hit!