Life continues to zoom by here in Cameroon. I cannot believe it’s already November! Fall is just not the same without the colors, smells, and sights that usually come with fall. I’m sure Christmas will be even weirder since the temperature will get hotter as opposed to cooler.
Despite the many differences between Cameroon and the States, the positive things definitely outweigh the negative. I’m working on a list of favorite things here in Cameroon.
(1) Driving home at night with the sun roof open. The stars are incredible here! I love to look up and see the Milky Way. And to think that God knows the name of every single one of those stars—even of the ones I can’t see. What an amazing God!
(2) The light switch hanging on my bed post. Hands-down, this is my favorite invention ever. At night, we have to sleep with mosquito nets. When I was at the Loescher’s, I would tuck my mosquito net in, toss a flashlight in my bed, go to turn out the light, and then climb back in bed. Now, my bed at Ellen’s house has a remote light switch. Once I tuck in my mosquito net, I can climb in bed with the lights on and turn off the lights whenever I want without getting out of bed!
(3) Fresh produce for dirt-cheap prices. A few Saturdays ago, I went to the market to pick up a few things. I bought carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, pineapple, celery, cabbage, peanuts, lemons, and bananas for under $10. I told Sam that I think I will definitely experience reverse culture shock the first time I walk into Kroger’s in the States.
(4) Thunderstorms from the balcony. I especially enjoyed this while I was living with the Loeschers. Unfortunately, the house I’m in now does not have the same balcony view. The other night, we were all over at the Loeschers. The lights went out during a storm, so Eddie, Josh, Sam, and I decided to go out on the balcony and enjoy the view of the storm. We actually got to see lighting strike the ground in the distance. The thunder was so loud, I’m pretty sure all four of us screamed.
(5) The battery powered light on my kindle. I love my mother for suggesting I get the kindle cover that comes with a built-in light. I have something to occupy me when we lose electricity at night (which happens quite frequently).
That’s my list for now. It definitely grows as I experience life more and more in Africa.