Object Lessons

Tonight when the power went out, I decided that I finally needed change the batteries on my lantern (the one that I fixed with a paperclip). What a difference a set of new batteries makes! I feel like there’s some sort of object lesson to be learned from that. Here’s an idea: when you are feeling spiritually drained, you should look to the Holy Spirit for the strength and energy he gives. Or, here’s another thought. As believers, we should be the bright light set on a hill so that all can see. If we are not as spiritually fit as we should be, we will shine dimly for a short while. But when we are feasting on the Word of God and gaining spiritual strength, we will be beacons in a dark, stormy world.

Carolyn, my 12th grader, is taking physics this year. Physics is a pretty complicated subject—one that I avoided taking. But, to help her out, I’ve decided to teach myself physics. I’m already stuck, and I’m in chapter 2. I didn’t realize how much trigonometry would be involved in physics. I can barely remember anything from precalc. Most math concepts have become pretty foggy in my brain. I guess my thought is that two are better than one. At least I can be frustrated alongside Carolyn. Sam tried to help us out with some problems on projectiles today. It was a long, fruitless hour endeavor. Hopefully we’ll have a more profitable study session next time.

Tomorrow is our harvest fest. Everyone is eagerly planning the crazy costumes they will wear. I’m planning on taking lots of pictures and will hopefully be posting them sometime next week.