When I arrived at school today, the younger girls rushed to greet me and share the excitement from the morning. When the 11th graders walked into our classroom this morning, they were met with quite a shock. Two bats were flying around in the room, swooping from corner to corner. Our ceiling is partially exposed to the roof, with a few of the ceiling boards loosely hanging in place. This has not been a problem to this point, but after today, we’re all quite determined to fix the ceiling.
Since one family were the only ones at school at that point, the mom was left to deal with the bat problem on her own. Thankfully, Ellen arrived just in time to help. Between the two of them, the ladies shooed the bats back up to their hiding place. I can only envision the scene as it took place: two ladies armed with brooms and dustpans, swatting at the bats, shrieking as they flew nearer. I’m sure it was quite a way to begin the morning!
When I walked into my room, my girls had attempted to secure the ceiling boards on their own. All over the room, long sticks were propped up on container lids and desks to hold the ceiling boards in place. In fact, they had used my desk as a prop. In the middle of my desk, balancing on a trash cans and multiple teacher books, a long stick stood bravely at its post, doing its part to keep the bats out of the room.
Because I do not relish the thought of bats invading my classroom, I kept the sticks where the girls had placed them. Thankfully, we neither saw nor heard any evidence of the bats. I do fear that they’re still up there, haunting us. Who knows what horrors we may walk into tomorrow!