God's Promises

I’m so past having any good excuses for failing to blog. I think I should set another goal for number of posts in a month. Maybe next month… Lately, I’ve been seeing all kinds of updates on Facebook about the snow that many back home are enjoying. I have to admit, I’ve been rather jealous. I miss seeing the snow (and everything that comes with it). I haven’t enjoyed snow in a few years now. But, as I was feeling sorry for myself, I began to realize all of the great things that we get to enjoy in Cameroon because of the climate here. How many of you who enjoyed snow recently also got to enjoy FRESH watermelon, pineapple, and passion fruit. You can feel sorry for me at anytime!


I feel like the theme of this year has been transition. It’s an odd stage to be in. Many of the missionaries are looking for housing with the possibility of moving in the next few months. Consequently, the ministries are also in transition. We have national pastors leading both of our churches, but the missionaries are still involved. Last month, the Loeschers returned from furlough, bringing about another stage of transition, particularly in the arena of school. As I mentioned last post, we did have a short-termer teacher here for a few weeks as the Loeschers transitioned back to Cameroon. What a huge help that was! When Tia mentioned to me while we were in the bush that she was thinking of staying, I told her, “Are you serious?! I would love you FOREVER!” And indeed, I feel I am forever indebted to Tia for her invaluable help and servant’s heart.


This week without Tia was yet another time of transition. I decided I needed to start school with the Barillas earlier in order to have more time at the schoolhouse with the other kids. I am not a morning person, so this has definitely been an adjustment to me. I am so thankful for God’s promises to me. His mercies are new to me every morning. His grace is all-sufficient. He is with me wherever I am. I could go on and on, because God’s Word is packed with his promises. What a wonderful, personal God I serve!