(Note: I wrote this post on Sunday, October 21 but just realized I never posted it. So sorry!) On Saturdays, Ellen and I have a Bible club with the children that live around us. Yesterday was our fourth meeting. We started at creation, and the plan is to just keep going. To this point, Ellen has been the one teaching the children. I’ve been doing a little crowd control and helping with the songs. Ellen was helping someone move yesterday morning. Since she wasn’t sure how long that would take, she asked me to prepare the lesson. We typically only have French speaking children attend the Bible club, so I prepared the lesson in French. Ellen actually came home in time for Bible club. We ended up having two English speaking kids come, so I taught in French and Ellen translated for me. We had a very small group of kids: just two English speakers, one French speaker, and one little girl that I don’t think understands French or English. But I had a great time teaching. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to teach a little more in the future. Our Bible study usually goes from about 2:00-3:00. Yesterday, around 4:30, Ellen was getting ready to head out the door, when a knock came at the door. I went to the door, and there stood five children of varying ages. I didn’t recognize them, and I couldn’t understand what they wanted, so I went to get Ellen. Well, Ellen didn’t really understand what they wanted either. They said that they had met her, and she had told them to come by her house. She didn’t remember any of this. Finally, though, she was able to figure out that she had invited them to Bible club. They were only a few hours late. Since Ellen was heading out, she asked me if I would be interested in giving them a Bible lesson. I decided to start from the very beginning with them, figuring they hadn’t had much Bible exposure. So, I taught them about creation. Honestly, I don’t believe any of them had ever heard the biblical account of creation, let alone any story from the Bible. It was such a privilege to share this account from Scripture with them! I’m not sure if they’ll come back next week or not. They had to gather wood in the morning, and I’m assuming that’s something they do every Saturday. But I’m so thankful that I was able to share at least one account from Scripture with them. Today in church, one of the boys that came to Bible club yesterday asked me if he could invite his friends. I would love it if we could get a larger group of kids out this coming Saturday! His little sister asked, “Can I come again this Saturday?” When I told her it was every Saturday, she was very excited. Please pray for the children that we come into contact through Bible club. Pray that God would give clear understanding of His Word, and that He would change hearts, even through these Bible stories. I know that God cares about even the smallest of the children. In Mark 10:14, Jesus said, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.”