Two weeks to go!

I will be back home in Michigan one month from today. I’m not usually a home-body, but I’m really looking forward to being home, to being able to talk to my family (I’ve not talked to them since Christmas), to seeing my little brother graduate from high school. When I get home, I’ve been asked by a few of the missionaries to have someone take note of the odd things that I say as I readjust to life back in the States. So, this is a call out to those of you that know be well—when you see me, be prepared with pen and paper in case I say something off the wall. For example, one of the ladies here was overwhelmed on her first visit back to Taco Bell. She ended up asking the worker if they sold burritos. Another lady walked into a grocery store and had to walk right back because it was too much for her to handle. Hopefully, I won’t be walking up and down the aisles hugging all the food. J

On Friday, we visited the “water park” again. There were about 28 of us there this time, and we all had a blast. Due to an unexpected detour, I didn’t get to the water park until about an hour and a half after everyone else. Most of the older kids had gone exploring upstream, and I wanted to go join them. One of the boys that had stayed behind (Josh) decided to go find them with me, so the two of us traipsed through the water over the slippery rocks. It was not as easy as it looked, let me tell you. The bruises on my legs could testify to the difficulty of the trek. Finally, we caught a glimpse of the group we were trying to catch up to. And then I slipped and fell in the water. Poor Josh. I think I scared him to death. He anxiously asked me, “Are you okay, Miss Rachelle?” “I’m fine, don’t worry,” I answered. “Could you do me a favor, though? Could you look and see if anyone saw that?” Thankfully, no one had witnessed my wipe-out. Most of the afternoon was pretty overcast, but God held off the rain so that we could enjoy our time together.

We’re also getting back into the birthday routine. We had two birthdays to celebrate over the weekend. May arrives with quite the birthday vengeance—there are four birthdays in May (not including mine since I’ll already be in the States when mine rolls around). With all the events going on, my last two weeks will not be boring in the least. This weekend alone, we have a play performance, a Jr./Sr. banquet, and a recital. I think I’ll be on the plane heading to Europe before I realize it!

Today’s two Bible studies were really encouraging, once again. In the study with Frieda, we went through a lesson on salvation. She really understood the verses we looked at and was very solid in her understanding of salvation. At the end of the lesson, I asked Frieda to share her testimony with me, and she was able to clearly explain when (and more importantly why) she trusted in Christ for salvation. In the study with Clementine, we were talking about heaven. At the end of lesson, the book asked, “If Christ were to return today, would you be ready to meet him?” I asked Clementine to respond to the question. She thought long and hard about it, and then nodded. I then asked her to explain her answer, and she responded because she has trusted in Christ for her salvation. Please continue to pray for these two individuals. Next week will be my last study with both of them.