Part of the not-so familiar here in Africa has been the stars. I don’t know too much about stars, but in the States, I can almost always find the constellation Orion. That’s probably the main reason that Orion is my favorite constellation. During rainy season, the stars here were very bright and numerous. Sam and I looked and looked for Orion until we realized that it was too low on the horizon to see. And then finally last week, we spotted Orion. Seeing the familiar once again was very comforting. Of course, since that night, the sky has been too dust filled to see much beyond the moon in the night sky. But that glimpse was enough.
School continues in a very familiar pattern. We’re looking at two more weeks of school before we take a week or so off for break. I’m hoping to head up north to see a different part of Cameroon (and a different side of ministry) at the end of the year, so that will be part of my Christmas break. Since I’m the teacher, I guess I have more liberty with my days off (which is a rather backwards mentality from the States, but I’m enjoying it!). If you get a chance, check out a map of Cameroon. We’re located in Foumban. For the trip I’ll be taking, we have to drive from Foumban to Yaounde (about a six hour trip) where we will then catch a train heading up north. When I say north, I mean north—we’ll spend most of our time in a village just a few miles south of Lake Chad. I think the trip getting there will take about four days! I’m so thrilled for the opportunity to head up. Please pray that all the details work out!
I’ve recently started a file called, “You Know You Live in Africa When…” This document contains many not-so familiar habits to the typical American which have become routine to the missionary in Africa. My personal favorite on the list is “You know you live in Africa when you openly stare at every white person you see … and he stares back as unashamedly.” I think staring is part of the culture here. No matter where we go, we white people are stared at by everyone! I’m sure that by the end of my nine months here, I will have accumulated quite a list under that file. J