Recording in the States can be pretty grueling from what I’ve heard. Now, move the recording to Africa and imagine the added complications. The churches here in Cameroon really want to produce a CD with good Christian music (which is a great need here in Cameroon). Our choir in Foumban has been working diligently on practicing parts for this recording. Last night, the first night of “music camp,” as we have come to call these few days of recording, the only people at rehearsal were the six nationals from Foumban, the Barillas, Rosemary (who is coordinating the recording), and me. It was a pretty discouraging first night.
Today our numbers increased. We had a number of people show up throughout the day. We got some pretty good practice in during the morning, and then the children showed up to record a few songs the children choir had prepared. From 12:30 to about 5:00, the children ended up recording three songs, only half of what they had been working on. After that, the man working on recording us decided to try to record the choir. He really wanted to record each part (soprano, alto…) separately. We feel more confident as a group, but we decided to try it his way. On the first song, he decided to record each voice individually. Thankfully, I had not yet had to record my “solo” before it was decided that we need to try to record a larger group at a time. After having recorded individuals separately, we no longer mind recording each section by itself. Anything is better than a solo!
Tomorrow is our last day of recording (and really our only day of recording). Please, please be in prayer for us! We have had some grueling days, and that was just the rehearsals. Spirits were pretty low when we called it a night. We’re tired physically and emotionally, but we have a desire to fulfill this need for the Cameroonian believers. Ultimately, we want our Savior to be glorified and to receive all the praise. Please pray toward that end!