Oven Adventures

Recently, we've been experiencing a little difficulty with our gas-powered oven. Some connection is off, because the oven is receiving more gas than it knows to handle. Here in Africa, most oven aren't equipped with working pilot lights. So anytime one wants to cook or bake something, a match is required. For those of you who don't know me too well, I'm terrified of fire. I can't even handle holding the sparklers at evening weddings. Even ovens tend to frighten me. Naturally, the thought of lighting a burner horrified me. My first week in Africa, I often had to ask one of the Loescher kids to help me out.

Well, little by little, I have conquered my fear to the point where I can light the stove top burners or even the oven here at the house. Yesterday morning, I walked into the kitchen to heat up a cinnamon roll or two for breakfast (and you thought I was roughing it here!). We don't have a microwave here, so all reheating happens on the stove on in the oven. I turned on the gas to the stove and heard a WHOOSH of sound--and I'm pretty sure it was that loud. I turned the knob on the gas tank down a little and tried again. WHOOSH again. I decided to eat cold cinnamon rolls that morning.

C and our house helper looked at the stove today, trying to see if there was anything they could fix. They didn't find anything, so I'm definitely trying to steer clear of the oven for now. Sam does have lighter with a nice long handle, but I've been trying to save that for her and use matches myself. Today I definitely took advantage of the lighter. The one time I lit the burner, the flame extended to about the size of a dinner plate!!

Tonight I was working on making carrot cake cupcakes for a birthday party we're having tomorrow. Thankfully these were only in addition to the cake and were not the actual birthday cake. My first tray of cupcakes didn't turn out so great.

Please try not to laugh...
Remember, I never claim to be a great chef. I never took a cooking class. Maybe I should have.