
I'm sitting at our neighboring beach resort (which incidentally is on a mountain, not by the beach)--reflecting, thankful. On Facebook I'm seeing everyone's year-in-reviews. Is there really a simple way to recap a year? 

Lately, though, I've been thankful for little things. God is amazing in His provision for His children, isn't He? Little things like having 3G connection on Christmad Day. That sounds insignificant, but it was huge. Some days we can't even get service in our house. On the days we have service, it's a pretty slow connection. But yesterday I had 3G. I was able to call home while my family was together for Christmas. Not just that, but we had an amazing connection! There was barely even any delay. 

Bigger things--my best friend from home was able to come out and help us here at Tumaini for three weeks. I've always wanted Chelsea to come out and visit, but it's not exactly a cheap vacation. But we had a need here while all the kids were home from school and God provided. God's kindness is overwhelming!

(Chels with a few of the kids)